A limousine steer of 3 years of field. Concrete mixer for sale. Herbicide machine for sale 600 lts. suspended, with past inspection and registered in ROMA. Milking machine for sale for 18 motorized goats, bomb, tank and other accessories. Sheep for sale...
New Summer Schedule
Monday 20 May we turn to daylight saving time. morning: 8h-13:30h Afternoon: 16h-18:30h
Returning tax hydrocarbons
We remind all interested partners in our offices can manage the return of the tax on agricultural diesel, as it is reflected in the Order EHA / 993/2010, from 21 April 2010. Thus, We remember some of the aspects....
Treatment of pruning remains in the olive grove
Being already in the month of May it is advisable to remember and insist on how to properly handle the pruning remains, especially in order to avoid problems with the wing nut. Pruning remains, either in the form of new or old firewood, can be kept or deleted. If you know....
Agricultural burnings in May
It reminds members that still have outstanding eliminate waste vegetables from last day 1 May we meet in the middle period of forest fires, Therefore, the days of burning are limited and the respective procedures must be processed..
Renove Plan of agricultural machinery 2019
The application period for aid to the Agricultural Machinery Renovation Plan for the period has been opened 2019 intended for the acquisition of the following types of new machines, according to the article 4 of the Royal Decree 704/2017, from 7 of July: a) Tractors. b)...
PAC aid 2019
It has already begun the deadline for submission of applications for the CAP 2019, ending 30 of April. From closing until 30 May they be able to make changes. Similarly, The deadline for submissions is open to the SIGPAC, that are already being done....
Olive grove – Subscriber
Finding ourselves already in the month of February and having finished the olive harvest in most of the plots, we are considering the subscriber of our olive groves. This fertilizer is the tool we have to replenish the olive tree with the nutrients it has....
Great deal on mobile phone rates
The Los Remedios-Picasat Cooperative has changed its mobile phone operator, and the new company offers our associates very advantageous rates. We inform all members who already had lines with the Cooperative to stop by our offices to choose their ....
Bulletin abandons its paper edition
After a long career 22 years, the Newsletter of the Cooperative will no longer be edited on paper in a few months. As we reported in the last issue, several years, all content published on it appear on our website:...