Fair schedule in the Cooperative

The schedule of our facilities in Olvera, on the occasion of the celebration of the Feria de San Agustin, it will be: Wednesday 28 and Thursdays 29 of August: From 9,00 a 14,00 hs.Friday 30 of August: Local closed fista.

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Incidence of the olive fly

In early August we find that our olive groves and reached the state of hardening of bone, that it is acquiring greater consistency until it takes the very hardness of the fruit developed and gives way to the beginning of the formation of oil. It is...

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Olive oil production in the campaign 2018/2019

Remedies Picasat has milled in the campaign 18/19 a figure that exceeds record 25 million and a half kilos of olives, obtained 4.308.000 kilos of a high quality oil. On the other hand, Community production of olive oil has reached 2.235.174...

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Returning tax hydrocarbons

Returning tax hydrocarbons

We remind all interested partners in our offices can manage the return of the tax on agricultural diesel, as it is reflected in the Order EHA / 993/2010, from 21 April 2010. Thus, We remember some of the aspects....

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Returning tax hydrocarbons

Increase sales of agricultural machinery

Selling new tractors stood at 3.834 units during the first quarter of 2019, representing a 23,28 % increase over the same period 2018, according to the registration record new agricultural machinery of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and....

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February 2025


  • Se organizan catas guiadas por técnicos de la Cooperativa y por técnicos de la Denominación de Origen de Olvera. Se realizan en nuestras instalaciones de la Cooperativa. Están dirigidas a colegios, a grupos de consumidores, a escuelas de hostelería, etc.
  • Se organizan visitas guiadas a la Almazara, comprobando todo el proceso de producción de aceite desde la entrada de la aceituna.
  • También se organizan visitas al campo, para comprobar la recolección de la aceituna y otros cultivos.
  • Se imparten cursos de formación y charlas relativas a actividades de la Cooperativa.

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