video advice diseases and pests in the olive grove
In the current state of alarm, where face-to-face activity has declined as a consequence of the confinement of the population, Cooperativa Los Remedios-Picasat is preparing a series of videos to advise different crops. In this case the video ...
video advice olive cultivation, cereals, pistachios and almonds
In the current state of alarm, where face-to-face activity has declined as a consequence of the confinement of the population, Cooperativa Los Remedios-Picasat is preparing a series of videos to advise different crops. In this case the video ...
Our Process Oil = HvEcBDSh9aM&t=2s
Cooperative Los Remedios, in their centers Olvera, Jerez de la Frontera and El Bosque, They will be closed in support of the agricultural sector. This mobilization will be held on Tuesday 18 of February in Villamartín and will consist of TRACTORADA and CONCENTRATION in defense of the...
- milking machine sells gasoline 12 moorings with two milking points. - Peugeot Partner for sale 2007 in good state. - For sale 180 Malaga goats. - Orchard for sale or lease with 3 bushels of irrigation with light and ship. Pig farm with 10 mothers in ...
Prizes awarded oil Los Remedios in the provincial contest singing canaries
Last 19 January took place in La Barca Florida the awards ceremony of the Provincial Contest of Cadiz song canaries Timbrado Floreado, which was attended by associations of Arcos, Jerez, Port, Rota, Olvera, Sanlucar, Algeciras and ...
It is finished using Dimethoate
As already he mentioned several times in the past 2019, the European Union issued a regulation establishing the deadlines for the final disposal of all products containing Dimethoate. Later, the Ministry of....
Conference on pruning the almond Algámitas
From the 8 of January of 2020, SCA Los Remedios Picasat part as a partner co-financer of the project implemented by the Association Callet, consisting of the formation, advice and dissemination on alternative crops in the Sierra Norte de Cádiz and Sur de ...
Delivered two important awards for oil Remedies
The Diputación de Cádiz today presented the prizes for the contest "Selection of the best Extra Virgin Olive Oils in the Province of Cádiz", Los Remedios-Picasat being the best valued company, since the "liquid gold" of the Cooperative has ...
fresh oil of the new campaign is now available
The Cooperative has put on sale the virgin olive oil extra cool of the current campaign 2019/2020. They may find a name tag in our facilities and in our shop, as well as the usual facilities.