Working day “Flavor, culture and health”
Last 29 In November, the technical day was held: MOUNTAIN OILS WITH DENOMINATION "FLAVOR, CULTURE AND HEALTH". This day was led by D. Francisco Lorenzo Tapias, medical expert in community nutrition. The health community attended the event,...
The new oil campaign begins with the sponsorship of chef Alejandro Alcántara
Short collection expected, due to drought, but of great quality The facilities of the Cooperative in Olvera hosted last Friday 6 October the official start of the olive campaign, with an event in which the chef Alejandro Alcántara was....
natural pistachios 100% Andalusian Origin
Naturally roasted pistachios. 100% Andalusian origin under the new brand of the Cooperative, Nuts the 3 Sierras. Available in Cooperative stores.
Harvesting almonds and carob
We inform that from the day 31 of July, Both the ALMAZARA and the Carob beans can now be delivered to the Reception Plant of the Cooperative located in the Almazara located in Los Gredales (Olvera). We remind you of the obligation to carry the DAT in each....
Board of Members of the Sections of the Cooperative
Dear partner:
The Governing Council of this Cooperative, in your meeting of the day 30 March 2023, agreed to convene
the Boards of Partners of the sections of the cooperative for the NEXT 14 JUNE 2023.
It is for this reason that the Governing Council summons the Board of Members of the section of which you are
socio, in the auditorium of Ntra. Sra. of the Remedios-Picasat, located in Avda. Fault Manual s/n, Olvera's,
according to the following list of calls of the different Boards of Partners, and whose agenda, for all,
is expressed at the end.
The Los Remedios oil mill obtains a national award for its environmental management
The Spanish Association of Municipalities of the Olive Tree (Aemo) and Deoleo, the world's number one oil company, have awarded the Los Remedios Cooperative a prestigious award. This is the second prize for the Best Environmental Management of Almazara in Spain, framed in....
Composite day – Self Loading Spreader Application
Dear members, the Cooperative will hold next Friday 17 of March, at 16 hours, a practical application of compost with a self-loading spreader. Located in los Gredales in the compost production area.
Agricultural soils have an increasingly lower content of Organic Matter, which causes a worse structure in the soil. The retention capacity of nutrients, The water and aeration necessary for our crops depend on the content of M.O....
The bullfighter Juan José Padilla named godfather of the new oil campaign
Today, the Sponsorship Act of the new Oil campaign has taken place in the Almazara of the Los Remedios Picasat Cooperative where D has been appointed as sponsor of the new Campaign.. Juan Jose Padilla Bernal, bullfighting master, by...
The last friday 25 of March, The last friday. The last friday. The last friday.