Future Control Plan boar

Future Control Plan boar

The Spanish government is working on a management plan for wild boar reduce their census. This animal is one of the vectors that spread more virus African swine fever (PPA) since given its wild condition it moves freely from an area..

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Future Control Plan boar

Movement of agricultural implements

a note was recently published by the Ministry clarifying doubts on the movement of certain agricultural implements such as disc harrows you, rollers, etc. This teams, as determined by the General Vehicle Regulations, no need to register, since not....

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Fegasur 18 – 9, 10 Y 11 of November

Fegasur 18 – 9, 10 Y 11 of November

Fegasur 18. Cooperativa Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios-Picasat will be present at the 20th Fair of Livestock and Agriculture held in Jerez de la Frontera. This event will run throughout the weekend, between 9 and the 11 of November, on the premmises...

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Olive State

Being already at the beginning of November we see that our olive groves are reaching the phase of veraison, yellowing appears first and then has spots that will give rise to maturity black. These states overlap within the same olive grove..

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Standards for delivery in olive oil mill

Remember for the campaign Olive 2018/2019 starting some rules reiterative not cease to be important and mandatory. The cleaning and weighing lines do not see the distribution altered. * Line 1: Olive floor * Line 2:...

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February 2025


  • Se organizan catas guiadas por técnicos de la Cooperativa y por técnicos de la Denominación de Origen de Olvera. Se realizan en nuestras instalaciones de la Cooperativa. Están dirigidas a colegios, a grupos de consumidores, a escuelas de hostelería, etc.
  • Se organizan visitas guiadas a la Almazara, comprobando todo el proceso de producción de aceite desde la entrada de la aceituna.
  • También se organizan visitas al campo, para comprobar la recolección de la aceituna y otros cultivos.
  • Se imparten cursos de formación y charlas relativas a actividades de la Cooperativa.

Eventos Pasados

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