Reserve pistachio plant
The SCA Los Remedios-Picasat has opened the deadline to reserve pistachio plants for the plantations to be carried out in 2019/2020. Interested partners can make their requests until next time 30 of April. To choose the right plant for the characteristics of your ....
Spanish livestock, alerted by the proximity of outbreaks of FMD and African swine fever
AFRICAN SWINE FEVER Since the appearance of African Swine Fever (PPA) in Belgium in September last year are more than 400 infected boars have been detected in that country, within an area increasingly close to the border with France. This...
Treatment of pruning remains
Being already at the time of pruning in the olive grove, it is convenient to remember and insist on how to properly handle the remains produced, especially in order to avoid problems with the wing nut. Pruning remains, either in the form of new or old firewood, They can be kept or....
Lacaune beef sheep for sale, ideal for crossing It is rented or is looking for a responsible person to run a farm 6 has. and Benaocaz, with fruit trees, olive trees and spring water. 2 bushels and 1 olive leaf, with 5 almond trees and a fig tree for sale..
Agricultural developments in ITV
Agricultural and forestry vehicles that can move at a speed greater than 40 km / h ITV should spend their first four years and not eight, as to 2018. According to regulation, after the first ITV, This type of vehicle must undergo a....
COMMUNICATION MANDATORY ANNUAL CENSUS A year remembered that from the 1 of January of 2019, and up 28 February, farmers have to make the annual declaration of census held in exploitation day 1 from January. We insist: This statement...
IV Fair and the olive oil extra virgin olive scenic area. OLIVERA. It will be held during the days in Olvera 29, 30 Y 31 March 2019.
The province of Cádiz, declared officially free from caprine and ovine brucellosis
Last 11 from December to 2018, Committee on PAFF (Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed) European Commission, The declaration of the province of Cádiz as officially free of ovine brucellosis and was unanimously approved by all the Member States..
New wet livestock feed based on products of the olive grove
We want to provide a new wet feed for ruminant livestock: cows, goats, sheep. The mill produces Cooperative, plus olive oil extra virgin, products such as olive leaves or deboned pulp. Our facilities allow....
State of the olive-harvesting campaign
The olive harvesting campaign 2018/2019 is being influenced by various factors that make it atypical. First, we come from an extremely rainy spring that ended a long period of drought, in which the olive trees were....