New oil campaign, with Carlos Herrera as godfather

New oil campaign, with Carlos Herrera as godfather

Yesterday we had the honor of announcing in our oil mill the start of a new oil campaign, with an exceptional godfather: Carlos Herrera, who shared moving words highlighting the value of our "liquid gold". In your own words: “The oil that I have....

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Spanish sweets are born in the Sierra de Cádiz

Spanish sweets are born in the Sierra de Cádiz

News adapted from the author José Landi. The Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios Cooperative is a strategic center for the reception of almonds, dried fruit that appears in a large part of the recipes of all industrial and traditional pastries. At the beginning of this month....

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The Cooperative in Organic Food 2024

The Cooperative in Organic Food 2024

The Los Remedios Cooperative is present at ORGANIC FOOD 2024, at IFEMA (Madrid) the days 4 Y 5 of June. The Oro Natura brand of organic extra virgin olive oil will be unveiled there., at this important national and international product fair..

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Members Meeting Call

Members Meeting Call

The Governing Council of the Los Remedios-Picasat Cooperative agrees to convene the Members' Meetings of the different sections of the Cooperative on the dates shown in the document. Members are requested to check the dates and attend the same. Click...

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Medal for the essence and excellence of Cádiz

Medal for the essence and excellence of Cádiz

Yesterday, Day of the Province of Cádiz, the Los Remedios Picasat SCA Cooperative, has been awarded one of the Medals awarded by the Provincial Council of Cádiz in recognition of the work of all its associates, farmers, ranchers, workers and all....

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Oil culture

Oil culture

The Cooperative has carried out a series of activities with the aim of instilling the culture of oil among the little ones..

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Andalusian breakfast in schools

Andalusian breakfast in schools

In celebration of Andalusia Day, last Wednesday 28 of February, The Los Remedios-Picasat cooperative delivered oil to the schools for our typical breakfast on this special day for everyone.

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Visit CEIP San José de Calasanz students

Visit CEIP San José de Calasanz students

The morning of 30 from January, the oil mill of this cooperative, received a visit from the third year students of the San José de Calasanz school. The students had the opportunity to see and learn the oil production process from start to finish.. It was a very....

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February 2025


  • Se organizan catas guiadas por técnicos de la Cooperativa y por técnicos de la Denominación de Origen de Olvera. Se realizan en nuestras instalaciones de la Cooperativa. Están dirigidas a colegios, a grupos de consumidores, a escuelas de hostelería, etc.
  • Se organizan visitas guiadas a la Almazara, comprobando todo el proceso de producción de aceite desde la entrada de la aceituna.
  • También se organizan visitas al campo, para comprobar la recolección de la aceituna y otros cultivos.
  • Se imparten cursos de formación y charlas relativas a actividades de la Cooperativa.

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