Thursday 31 of May, 2018
At the moment the olive tree is in the state of formation of the inflorescences. It means that we find that the olive grove has a delay of approximately two weeks compared to other years, in which by these dates they were already in bloom.
This delay has been due to the weather conditions of March and April, months in which the rains and cold have not allowed the olive tree to develop normally.
This delay may have its positive side, because pests are usually synchronized with the olive cycle and when this is delayed, the plague cannot find the olive tree in due course to attack the corresponding organ (Prays a la flor, glyphodes a brotación) the damages caused by these agents are less than they would be in normal years.
The abundant rainfall of the past months influences the health of the crop, two ways:
– On the one hand they are beneficial, it causes death by drowning insects that spend the winter as a pupa on the ground, how can the olive fly be, the weevil beetle, etc.
– On the other hand they are negative because, They help the dispersal and subsequent infection of fungi that attack the aerial part of the olive tree, such as repilo and soapy olives, among others., reason why olive trees should be treated with cupric compounds that prevent these infections.
In recent plantations it is important to provide soil on the trunk, so as to stimulate the emission of roots that palliate the damages caused by excess moisture, especially in those seedlings in which the pool was made. In these cases, biostimulants such as Isabion or Siapton can be applied to try to minimize the damage caused by waterlogging..