The oil from Los Remedios-Picasat has been awarded in the First Edition of the contest "Selection of the best Extra Virgin Olive Oils in the Province of Cádiz". The contest, convened by the Diputación de Cádiz, the objective was to assess the ...
New Summer Schedule
Monday 20 May we turn to daylight saving time. morning: 8h-13:30h Afternoon: 16h-18:30h
Treatment of pruning remains in the olive grove
Being already in the month of May it is advisable to remember and insist on how to properly handle the pruning remains, especially in order to avoid problems with the wing nut. Pruning remains, either in the form of new or old firewood, can be kept or deleted. If you know....
Olive grove – Subscriber
Finding ourselves already in the month of February and having finished the olive harvest in most of the plots, we are considering the subscriber of our olive groves. This fertilizer is the tool we have to replenish the olive tree with the nutrients it has....
Treatment of pruning remains
Being already at the time of pruning in the olive grove, it is convenient to remember and insist on how to properly handle the remains produced, especially in order to avoid problems with the wing nut. Pruning remains, either in the form of new or old firewood, They can be kept or....
IV Fair and the olive oil extra virgin olive scenic area. OLIVERA. It will be held during the days in Olvera 29, 30 Y 31 March 2019.
New wet livestock feed based on products of the olive grove
We want to provide a new wet feed for ruminant livestock: cows, goats, sheep. The mill produces Cooperative, plus olive oil extra virgin, products such as olive leaves or deboned pulp. Our facilities allow....
State of the olive-harvesting campaign
The olive harvesting campaign 2018/2019 is being influenced by various factors that make it atypical. First, we come from an extremely rainy spring that ended a long period of drought, in which the olive trees were....
Olive State
Being already at the beginning of November we see that our olive groves are reaching the phase of veraison, yellowing appears first and then has spots that will give rise to maturity black. These states overlap within the same olive grove..
La D.O. Organized a conference on olive oil and health
Last 14 September took place the ‘1st Conference of EVOO PDO Sierra de Cádiz & Health', held in Olvera. This interesting event, organized by the Denomination of Origin Sierra de Cádiz, has had the collaboration of the University of Córdoba and AoveSol..