We welcome the new season olive harvest 2019-2020 which has already begun in our mill of the clay pits (Olvera) and posts collection centers Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) and Villalones (Málaga).

We welcome the new season olive harvest 2019-2020 which has already begun in our mill of the clay pits (Olvera) and posts collection centers Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) and Villalones (Málaga).
Cooperative Los Remedios-Picasat promotes sports in our province, collaborating with the IV edition of the TRAIL OF OIL Olvera Sunday 20 October. Where there will be breakfast miller, Oil tastings and guided visits to our oil mill located ...
It informs partners is already restored the usual telephone central Jerez de la Frontera: 956 14 44 92 // 608 00 43 79
It is possible to apply for grants to "investments to increase the resilience and environmental value of forest ecosystems", as published in the order of call on 2 October 2019. The application deadline ends on 8...