Remedies Picasat has milled in the campaign 18/19 a figure that exceeds record 25 million and a half kilos of olives, obtained 4.308.000 kilos of a high quality oil. On the other hand, Community production of olive oil has reached 2.235.174...

Returning tax hydrocarbons
We remind all interested partners in our offices can manage the return of the tax on agricultural diesel, as it is reflected in the Order EHA / 993/2010, from 21 April 2010. Thus, We remember some of the aspects....

It is estimated a short campaign cereal
The Spanish cereal sector foresees a lower harvest for herbaceous crops than in recent years. Losses are accused due to different circumstances, as damages derived from wildlife, of the frosts registered in some areas and...

Increase sales of agricultural machinery
Selling new tractors stood at 3.834 units during the first quarter of 2019, representing a 23,28 % increase over the same period 2018, according to the registration record new agricultural machinery of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and....

A limousine steer of 3 years of field. Concrete mixer for sale. Herbicide machine for sale 600 lts. suspended, with past inspection and registered in ROMA. Milking machine for sale for 18 motorized goats, bomb, tank and other accessories. Sheep for sale...