THE TREATMENTS, WELL DONE, THEY ARE ESSENTIAL IF WE WANT TO OBTAIN FIRST QUALITY OILS At the moment the olive grove is in the bone hardening phase, once the initial rapid growth has passed. In this state the growth is more....

THE TREATMENTS, WELL DONE, THEY ARE ESSENTIAL IF WE WANT TO OBTAIN FIRST QUALITY OILS At the moment the olive grove is in the bone hardening phase, once the initial rapid growth has passed. In this state the growth is more....
THE CELEBRATION OF AN INFORMATIVE DAY ON THE GRAFTING IS PLANNED IN AUGUST To the month of July, the evolution of the crop is being satisfactory, while the new plantations have suffered the adverse inclemencies of this year 2017, with low...
THE ABUSE OF THIS MEDICINE CAUSES BACTERIA TO BECOME MORE RESISTANT The use of antibiotics in livestock makes Spain at the forefront of Europe in meat production. Your abuse, Nevertheless, It causes bacteria to become resistant to....
INCREASES THE NUMBER OF SUPPLIERS IN THE COOPERATIVE During this first semester of 2017 the goat milk market has been quite stable, no big ups and downs in prices after a year 2016 quite tense. Since the Cooperative it has been growing....
LOW RAINFALL AND HIGH TEMPERATURES, TWO OF THE KEYS Cereal production in the European Union (EU) will drop a 2,4 % in 2017, compared to last year, while in Spain a 34 %, According to data released today by the Committee on....
IT IS A NATURAL PRODUCT WITH VERY IMPORTANT PROPERTIES For next August there will be a new batch of Compost (Mulch), produced in the new facilities of the Cooperative and from a mixture of cattle and sheep manure, as well as...
WE REMEMBER THAT INTERESTED PARTIES CAN MAKE THE CORRESPONDING MANAGEMENT IN OUR OFFICES We remind all interested partners that in our offices they can manage the refund of the tax corresponding to agricultural diesel, as reflected in the....
AN INCREASE IN THE 21% The level of insurance in Andalusia, according to the data of the last full campaign (2015-2016) increased by 21% compared to the previous one, which confirms “that the sector trusts more and more in this tool” according to the....