WE HAVE TO START IN THE FIELD WITH A CORRECT SEPARATION OF THE OLIVES The good weather in November is favoring a quick harvest of the olives, having entered our oil mill, In a few weeks, more than a third of the total....

WE HAVE TO START IN THE FIELD WITH A CORRECT SEPARATION OF THE OLIVES The good weather in November is favoring a quick harvest of the olives, having entered our oil mill, In a few weeks, more than a third of the total....
AN EXCELLENT ANIMAL TOOL TO FIGHT AGAINST THE DISEASE The last Beef Forum held recently in Jerez was an interesting meeting point for technicians and farmers around this sector. Especialmente reveladora fue una charla sobre...
THE 70% OF THE BASIC PAYMENT AND THE 70% OF THE GREEN PAYMENT On these dates, and if no incidents have arisen, CAP applicants have already received part of their grants. We explain below how these payments have been structured. In both....
NOTIFICATIONS TO THE ADMINISTRATION MAY BE MADE, AND PRINCIPLE, UNTIL THE 1 FEBRUARY According to current legislation, the starting period for notifying the administration of any assignment of basic payment rights, with the aim that they are....
IT IS A GOOD TIME TO PLAN THE APPROPRIATE FERTILIZER FOR CROPS Once the sowing campaign of cereals and legumes for forages is over, it is time to plan the most suitable fertilizer for such crops, from the background subscriber to the possible....
THE 42% OF APPLICANTS FOR PAC AID ARE INCLUDED IN THIS REGIME According to the data published by the FEGA, in this PAC campaign 2015 have been registered in Spain 842.353 applicants, of which 354.074, the 42% of the total, They are included in the Regime of....
THE SEROTYPE RESTRICTION ZONE 4 OF THE VIRUS HAS BEEN INCREASED According to the Order appeared in the BOE nº 261 from 31 October 2015 and taking into account the geographical distribution of the last outbreaks of serotype 4 Bluetongue virus reported, se informa...
WE REMEMBER THE INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED IN THE GARITA DE LA ALMAZARA We remind all the olive growers that during this campaign, every time they make an olive delivery, They must provide the following information at the checkpoint of the Almazara: Membership number,...