THE HIGH SUMMER TEMPERATURES PROPRIED SOME LOWER LEVELS IN THE NUMBER OF FLIES This summer we have had particularly high temperatures in our area and very often, as in most of Spain. These high temperatures are....

THE HIGH SUMMER TEMPERATURES PROPRIED SOME LOWER LEVELS IN THE NUMBER OF FLIES This summer we have had particularly high temperatures in our area and very often, as in most of Spain. These high temperatures are....
WE REMEMBER THAT 17 SEPTEMBER CONCLUDES THE ADMISSION OF APPLICATIONS We remember that the next day 17 September ends the deadline for the admission of applications for the granting of aid aimed at the creation of companies for young farmers. These...
PRICES FROM 60 EUROS WITHOUT SANITARY EXPENSES - Coverage 24 hours (job, Street, home...). - Compensation for accidental death. - Absolute professional disability 24 hours. - Since 60 euros without healthcare costs. - 120 euros including health expenses..
IN THE FIRST SEMESTER OF 2015 THERE HAS BEEN A MARKED DROP IN PRICES During this first semester of 2015 the goat milk market has been very turbulent, with a marked drop in the prices of milk at source. This fix has had...
WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE NEXT DAYS 7 Y 8 OCTOBER IN JEREZ The next few days 7 Y 8 October 2015 The IV Beef Forum will be held in Jerez de la Frontera. This Forum, as in previous years, is intended to be an information activity, Formation and...
HAVE BEEN RECEIVED 270.483 REQUESTS FOR DIRECT HELP The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development has received a total of 270.483 applications for direct aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC) for the campaign 2015 In Andalucia, of which the 95%...
IN THE CAMPAIGN 2014/2015 THEY PLANTED 75000 NEW HECTARES The world's olive grove area has grown by 0,7 percent during the olive season 2014/15, since more than 75.000 new hectares over the last few months. These figures come from....
THE 70% OF THE FATAL ACCIDENTS ARE RELATED TO THIS ACCIDENT The 70 percent of fatal accidents that occur in Spain in the agricultural sector are due to tractor overturns, according to recent statements by Iñaki Mendioroz, technical director of...
THE LEVEL OF CONSUMPTION RETURNS TO WHICH WAS IN 2007 The consumption of inorganic fertilizers in Spain stood at 5,064 million tons in 2014, a 8,19 % above the 4,68 million recorded in 2013, which means a return to the levels of 2007 (5,19...