THE FINAL VOLUME RECEIVED HAS BEEN VERY HIGHER THAN THE INITIAL ESTIMATES At this time the mill is already closed. From the campaign that has just ended, we highlight that a lower harvest has been obtained than the previous one, although the final volume received has....
GUIDELINES TO MAKE THE USE OF THESE PRODUCTS AS EFFECTIVE AS POSSIBLE Approaching the moment to control the herbs that are present in the olive grove, We will now remember some indications to keep in mind so that the use of herbicides is as effective as possible..
THE START IS SCHEDULED FOR THE AFTERNOON OF 18 FEBRUARY Next 18 In February, the beginning of an Olive Pruning course is scheduled at the Cooperative's facilities in Olvera. The course will be taught in five days and in the afternoon. Will have 20 hours of....
THE AWARDING OF PRIZES HAPPENED THE PAST 29 DECEMBER We show in the photo two of the winners in the XVIII Spanish Timbrado Singing Contest, organized by the Ornithological Singing Association «Olvera» the past 29 from December. All breeders of....
THE CENSUS DATA MUST BE COMMUNICATED BEFORE THE 1 MARCH We remind all breeders of the obligation to communicate, in the offices of the Cooperative or in the Regional Agrarian Office, data on the census of your farms before the day 1 of March. Para...
THE INSTITUTIONS ARE CALLED FOR MORE INVOLVEMENT IN THE CONSERVATION OF THIS ECOSYSTEM Owners of dehesas, ganaderos y diversoscolectivos se han unido para crear la plataforma ‘SOS para salvar la dehesa’ para reclamar a las administraciones que se impliquen en la...
IN THE CASE OF TRACTORS, THE ENTRIES UPLOADED IN A 13 % The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has compiled the data collected in the Official Records of Agricultural Machinery (ROMA) of all the Autonomous Communities, that confirm....
THE TOTAL FIRE FIGURE WAS 9754, IN FRONT OF THE 10797 OF 2013 The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment has published on its website the provisional statistics of forest fires of the 1 from january to 31 from December to 2014, (with data still...
THE NUMBER OF UNEMPLOYED HAS BEEN LOCATED IN 271400 PEOPLE The number of unemployed in agriculture increased by 24.200 people in 2014, until you are in 271.400, which represents a year-on-year increase in 9,79 %, according to the Labor Force Survey (EPA) published by the...
They organize guided tastings by technicians from the Cooperative and by technicians from the Olvera Denomination of Origin. They take place in our facilities of the Cooperative. They are aimed at schools, to consumer groups, hospitality schools, etc.
They organize you guided tours to the oil mill, checking the entire oil production process from the entry of the olive.
They are also organized visits to the field, to check the olive harvest and other crops.
They are taught training courses and talks on the cooperative activities.
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